Monday, February 27, 2012

Lowongan SOPIR di Hong Kong

Dibutuhkan 1 orang Sopir untuk di Hong Kong, persyaratan :

1. Laki-laki
2. Usia 25 - 35 tahun
3. Punya SIM A, dan pengalaman mengendarai mobil sedan automatic
4. Kemampuan komunikasi dan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris yang BAIK

Gaji HKD 4500. Lamaran dibawa langsung ke Jalan Kartini No. 1, Malang
Kesempatan terbatas, hingga 4 Maret 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Position Available for Hospitaliy Industry in Australia

Australian DIAC has issued a Guidance Booklet for Placement of Overseas workers for Hospitality and Tourism Industry under Visa Sub-Class 457. The booklet can be downloaded at the following link : 

The Available Positions are :
  1. Cook
  2. Chef 
  3. Cafe or Restaurant Manager
  4. Hotel or Motel Manager
  5. Pastry Cook
  6. Marketing Specialist
  7. Program and Project Manager
  8. Accommodation and Hospitality Manager nec
  9. Sales and Marketing Manager
  10. Accountant (General)
All candidates must comply with basic requirements by DIAC as follows :
  1. 3 (three) years of experience in the same field and currently still working  in the same positions
  2. Certificate and/or Reference Letter with Genuine Contacts
  3. IELTS General Training with each band must not below 5
Frequent Q&A :
1. I have the experience and the skill, what should I do now to apply?
If you are sure that you have the right skill and experience, first thing you do is to test your level of English. Because an IELTS test is considered expensive (USD 150), I suggest that the candidate takes IELTS Placement Test at IALF to identify level of IELTS before taking the test or the course.Please contact IALF for further information regarding Placement Test. Candidate can also take such similar test at KELTS, TBI, IDP or other reputable English Course
If the preliminary test give a good result, the candidate is suggested to take the test else an English Course is required to lift up level of English.
After passing the IELTS test with each band not below 5, the candidate can apply their CV along with necessary and related certificate and/or reference letter and copy of original IELTS Score to

2. Can I be exempted for the IELTS Test ?
Yes, exemption for IELTS Test is possible ONLY for candidate with the following one or more conditions :
a. who being offered for base salary more than AUD 88,410 per annum
b. who previously have completed at least 5 consecutive years of full-time study in a secondary and/or higher education institution where the instruction was delivered in English.
The above conditions are the feasible conditions for Indonesia. Other Conditions can be seen at

3. How long is the process and should I quit the job after I submitted my application ?
DIAC has improves its services to process the 457 visa, but there's no limited time to seek for the Job Offer from Employer. I strongly suggested that the candidates should keep their current jobs until they sign a Work Contract with the employer

If you don't have such skill and experience on the above 10 positions
DON'T Try to apply Job in Australua Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Teknisi AC mobil di Qatar

Qatar membutuhkan karyawan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
10 Teknisi ac mobil

Penawaran Gaji : kurang lebih 2000- 2500 QAR atau sama dengan sekitar 6 juta rupiah

1. Laki
2. 21-35 tahun
3. Berpengalaman dibidangnya minimal 3 tahun
4. Bisa berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Biaya : 8 juta

Fasilitas :
1. Makan
2. Akomodasi
3. Seragam

CV kirim ke sebelum 11 Februari 2012.

Info lebih lanjut hubungi AJENG (0341) 347474

Delivery Boy di Bahrain

Fast Food Delivery Service

Bahrain membutuhkan karyawan untuk Fast Food Restaurant sebagai berikut :5 Staff Delivery Service,5 Staff Waiter,5 Staff Assistant Cook.

Penawaran Gaji : BHD 180-200/bulan (+ 4 juta - termasuk lembur)
( BHD 1 = Rp. 22,624)

1. Laki
2. 21-30 tahun
3. Memiliki SIM C untuk delivery service
4. Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di posisi yang sama untuk waiter dan assistant cook 
5. Bisa berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Biaya : 10 juta

Fasilitas :
1. Makan 2x (selama kerja)
2. Akomodasi
3. Seragam

CV,sim c dan scan passport kirim ke sebelum 30 Februari 2012.

Info lebih lanjut hubungi AJENG (0341) 347474