Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Job Pabrik Brunei Darussalam

Pabrik Pengolahan Bakso Seafood di Brunei Darussalam membutuhkan karyawan pabrik dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Usia 19 - 33 tahun
2. 15 calon pekerja laki-laki dan 35 calon pekerja wanita
3. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang perikanan
4. Tahan bau amis

Kondisi Kerja :
1. Gaji B$ 300/bulan (B$ 1 = +Rp. 7.000)
2. Jam Kerja 9 jam/hari dengan 1 jam istirahat makan
3. Makan dan Akomodasi disediakan GRATIS
4. Seminggu libur 1 hari
5. Lembur dibayarkan sesuai dengan Peraturan Brunei

Tugas :
1. Memilah ikan, udang, cumi dll
2. Membersihkan, memotong, membuang sisik dll
3. Membelah, menyeduh, dll

Rencana berangkat Bulan Oktober (15 orang) bulan November (35 orang)

Biaya :
1. Pembayaran dimuka Rp. 1.000.000 (satu juta rupiah)
2. Pembayaran dengan KUR TKI BRI Rp. 13.000.000 (tiga belas juta rupiah)

Pendaftaran dan Info lebih lanjut hubungi :
Bu Ani / Bu Ajeng di (0341)-347474 ; Email :

BATAS AKHIR 10 November 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Seleksi dan Wawancara Kandidat tujuan Kanada (Lanjutan)

Untuk BMI Hong Kong yang belum sempat datang pada acara Seleksi dan Wawancara Kandidat tujuan Kanada, dapat mengambil formulir biodata di lokasi berikut :
Man Hing Employment Agency
Contact : Mr. Simon (28877759)/Mr. Aaron (28818874)
6/F Flat B, Haven Commercial Building 6/F
Tin Hau - Hong Kong

Po Shun Employment Agency
Contact : Mr. Poshun (23843822)
Block B Flat 909 Bell House 525-543 Nathan Road Kowloon

Isi formulir tersebut dan lengkapi dengan foto-foto :
1. Pas Foto Berwarna 3x4
2. Foto seluruh Badan
3. Foto dengan keluarga Majikan (dengan keluarga majikan/dengan anak majikan foto yang menunjukan saudari memang berinteraksi di Hong Kong)

Persyaratan utama adalah :
1. Pendidikan Minimal SMA (12 tahun pendidikan formal)
2. Pengalaman minimal 3 (tiga) tahun di luar negeri ( Hong Kong/Singapura/Taiwan atau campuran)

Kirim kembali formulir dimana anda mengambilnya. PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja akan menghubungi anda kembali untuk jadwal wawancara.

Binamandiri goes to Europe !!!

Binamandiri has set up new benchmark in placement business by placing SPA Therapist to Slovak Republic - East Europe.  Three successful candidates, Dika, Komang and Kadek have been deployed to Therma Hotel as SPA Therapist on 12 September 2011.

It is considered a break trough for Binamandiri to penetrate Europe Market especially with recent crisis hits Europe. From East Java, Binamandiri is proud to claim as pioneer to send workers to Europe, and probably we can also claim as the only Recruitment Company in Indonesia who manages to get Job Order from Europe.

We are looking forward to expand our placement country to more countries in the future

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Recruitment for Australia Kicks NOW!!! Start sending your CVs

The Australian Government has announced a new temporary worker scheme for skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers. The Regional Migration Agreement (RMA) has been created to meet labour shortages specifically in remote areas.

Most jobs will be in mines and mining communities far from cities, in arid areas that are extremely hot.

Australian Immigration is still preparing the rules and regulations for the RMA scheme. We hope that some of the high English standards normally required to work in Australia will be relaxed, but that is still uncertain.

A good level of English and a thorough understanding of health and safety issues in the workplace will still be required.

Semi-skilled workers will be allowed for the first time, but not unskilled workers. Proper qualifications, certificates and references are essential; these will be thoroughly checked to ensure they are genuine.

It’s hoped that the RMA rules will be published in November so the scheme can start in early 2012.

Most jobs will be in Western Australia, which has a Sister-State agreement with East Java. Binamandiri, along with our Australasian partner, has been involved in discussions with Immigration and regional authorities

To anticipate Australia’s labour needs under the RMA, interested applicants should start preparing RIGHT NOW, especially by improving their English skills. For many it will take time and hard study to reach the right level.

Binamandiri is NOW undertaking preliminary recruitment for Australia under the following terms and conditions:

1. Binamandiri will not charge any recruitment fees, as this is the preliminary stage.

2. Binamandiri will only require candidate's curriculum vitae. Original documents will not be retained.

3. Binamandiri will not charge penalties for cancellation.

4. Candidates must be willing to take part in English courses conducted by Binamandiri.

5. Costs incurred for the English course will be born by candidates. These can be paid through KUR TKI loans once the candidate is accepted for work in Australia.

6. Employees in Australia are currently paid a minimum gross salary of AUD 49,330/year (Rp 37 million / month). However taxes are high – about Rp 6.5 million / month and living costs expensive. It is not known if these salaries will apply for RMA workers. Higher levels are paid for skilled and experienced workers in specialised areas, like gas pipe welding.

7. All costs incurred for placement in Australia will be paid directly by the candidate before placement.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, and you HAVE the following qualifications:

1. Male/Female, 26 - 45 years old.

2. Fit, no medical conditions and prepared to work long hours in harsh conditions.

3. Clean police record. Clean driving licence.

4. High-level computer skills.

3. Holder of an East Java ID Card (due to the nature of the placement scheme under sister-state agreement between WA and East Java)

5. Graduates from Vocational High School or higher with experience in the same field of study.

6. Minimum three years experience with references and certificates, for the following positions:

a. Welder
b. Carpenter
c. Air-conditioning fitter
d. Scaffolder
e. Steel fabricator
f. High voltage electrician
g. Auto electrician
h. Telecommunication technician
i. Electronic technician
j. Motor vehicle mechanic
k. Diesel mechanic
l. Fitter
m. Plumber
n. Heavy equipment mechanics
o. Heavy equipment operators

E-mail your CV and recent passport-size photo to If you are considered to be eligible for work in Australia, we will respond to your e-mail with the next steps.

We will only accept e-mail inquiries in English. We will not accept inquiries by phone or in Bahasa Indonesia.

Note that anyone presenting forged or false certificates will be immediately blacklisted